INGEZONDEN MEDEDELING – Like any other ability, memory is amenable to training and development. The main thing is to choose the right exercise program. Forgetting is a natural process designed to unload the nervous system from unclaimed information, to protect it from overstrain. But increased forgetfulness can significantly complicate life. It can be caused by lack of sleep, stress, addiction or information overload when you read reviews at best online casinos in netherlands.
If this problem is not related to injury or illness, it is realistic to solve it on your own. Memory can be developed and improved like any other ability. First of all, how to improve brain functioning?
Good food and sports
Fresh air, sports and good sleep are important factors without which normal memory functioning is impossible. Daily airing of rooms and walks in the fresh air saturate the blood with the necessary oxygen. And thanks to physical activity, the vascular tone improves and cerebral circulation is activated. Choose the sport you enjoy. The memory status is also power-dependent. Wanna know how to increase brain power? Include in your diet plenty of nuts, hard cheese, eggs, fatty fish, vegetables and fruits.
Train Your Brain (crosswords and logic tasks)
Besides exercise and special nutrition, how to improve memory?
It is important to load memory. Learning a foreign language, solving logic problems, solving crossword puzzles – everything that makes “brains work”, that is, remember, remember, think. You can collect puzzles, play chess, backgammon, Sudoku, poker, various puzzles. Mind games activate the brain, train memory and attention. It is equally important to do exercises for memorisation and reaction speed. Choose a complex that will be interesting and convenient for you. This approach will set you up for systematic implementation and help you get the result faster. Learned to solve Japanese crosswords – switch to a new puzzle. The brain gets used to solving the same type of tasks quickly enough. Any activity where the head has to process a large amount of information will benefit your memory.
Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is a precious resource. People who regularly sleep deprivation, that is, sleep less than the recommended 7-8 hours a night, have lower mental function tests scores.
Our body requires a certain number of regular sleep hours, for example, to be complete and efficient in memorisation. In a dream, new neural connections appear, and the neural network is strengthened, and this is necessary for the formation of memory.
Scientists still have not solved all the mysteries of the human brain. Unfortunately, diseases like Alzheimer’s disease remain one of these mysteries. But still, researchers can help those who want to keep their thinking organ in shape. Everyone can do it – the doctors’ advice is very simple. The main thing is to remember that the result will be tangible if you do it yourself regularly.